Wedding Invites

Though I came across wedding invites by Erin Jang on, which I really really like.. I do not have the courage to enquire the possibility of her designing our wedding invitations and sending them over all the way from New York.

I spent some time last week, downloaded the 30 day trial of Adobe illustration- in order to design my work-namecard LOGO. The name card at Creativity Lab has 2 sides- 1 formal and 1 creative side - which is the one I've worked on. Don't forget and ask me for a new name card, this November, when it's ready as I don't usually hand out cards to friends.
Opps, that reminds me that I totally forgot about celebrating my 1 yr anniversary @ Creativity Lab on 9.16.2009! Anyway, I also dreamed about designing our wedding invitation, but work will be hectic, there is still so much to do!
So, we went on to a cute little store "POPPY" wedding invitations, with my mum and Cliff, picked out 2 sets of cards in no time, unlike the other couple who had at least 5 cards on the table, and were still deciding, after we left!
Prior to Pre-Dress picking II @ 7pm- we took mum closeby to a Japanese restaurant- with Fresh Soba & Udon~ which was simply fulfilling. Dress Fitting was done at the 2F of the studio, Cliff went parking while I went ahead and begun fitting. Kaka- our gown specialist had already lined up a few dresses in the fitting room. 1st up was - (1) light blue chiffon (2)bright red with flowers on the waist-line (3) Burgundy gown- white gown with roses lined from the waist-down (4) pink with silver sequins and silver ribbon by the waist (4) grey +shiny gems (5) yellow with black ribbon. So, I liked the white gown the most, but it's not suitable for an engagement.... so, I ended up picking burgundy (red wine), which, from right up, I said NO NO to a red dress. Since both cliff & mum nodded... One red dress wouldn't kill.

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