Wedding Invites

Though I came across wedding invites by Erin Jang on, which I really really like.. I do not have the courage to enquire the possibility of her designing our wedding invitations and sending them over all the way from New York.

I spent some time last week, downloaded the 30 day trial of Adobe illustration- in order to design my work-namecard LOGO. The name card at Creativity Lab has 2 sides- 1 formal and 1 creative side - which is the one I've worked on. Don't forget and ask me for a new name card, this November, when it's ready as I don't usually hand out cards to friends.
Opps, that reminds me that I totally forgot about celebrating my 1 yr anniversary @ Creativity Lab on 9.16.2009! Anyway, I also dreamed about designing our wedding invitation, but work will be hectic, there is still so much to do!
So, we went on to a cute little store "POPPY" wedding invitations, with my mum and Cliff, picked out 2 sets of cards in no time, unlike the other couple who had at least 5 cards on the table, and were still deciding, after we left!
Prior to Pre-Dress picking II @ 7pm- we took mum closeby to a Japanese restaurant- with Fresh Soba & Udon~ which was simply fulfilling. Dress Fitting was done at the 2F of the studio, Cliff went parking while I went ahead and begun fitting. Kaka- our gown specialist had already lined up a few dresses in the fitting room. 1st up was - (1) light blue chiffon (2)bright red with flowers on the waist-line (3) Burgundy gown- white gown with roses lined from the waist-down (4) pink with silver sequins and silver ribbon by the waist (4) grey +shiny gems (5) yellow with black ribbon. So, I liked the white gown the most, but it's not suitable for an engagement.... so, I ended up picking burgundy (red wine), which, from right up, I said NO NO to a red dress. Since both cliff & mum nodded... One red dress wouldn't kill.

1st Dress-picking

Upon receiving a call from Western design studio-'s Emma, I was told that i was scheduled at 7pm for engagement-dress picking! Gee... we've been miscommunicating via email all this time, right from the beginning. It's a work day... and I'm an hour away..

Anyway, I hopped on the high speed rail right after work, grabbed a burger and headed over just in time. Since I had only asked for 1 dress for the engagement luncheon, we estimated to complete in 1 hr. But it took 2.5 hrs... and worst of all, still undecided!

We communicated on the style, color of my preference and Kaka- gown assistant went on searching for appropriate dresses. More than 15 dresses has been eliminated.

I figured I'll be dead tired last night, but I flipped & turned all night. 2nd appointment has been made, this Sat, for more dress try-outs! Fingers crossed!

Wedding Date & Location *finalized*

We've finally signed the contract with Grace Hill over this past weekend.
April 10th, 2009- Ceremony + Dinner banquet

Coming up in the next few months:
1) 1st round- engagement dress picking- Sept 16th '09
2) 2nd round of Dress picking ---to be rescheduled----
3) Studio shoots -Dec 4th'09
4) Engagement & Wedding invitations
5) Engagement+ wedding -Video making
6) Meeting with Grace Hill's wedding planner -Dec'09
7) Guest lists
8) Choosing -Photo-video-graphy
9) Honeymoon planning

Engagement Planning

Engagement ceremony will be held in the morning, followed by luncheon, according to chinese traditions. It was meant to be a smaller party, with just close relatives of under 50 people, and having a larger wedding.

Since we chose to hold the wedding at Grace Hill, the number of tables is very limited (25 and under). Thus, we chose to hold a larger engagement party (hosted by my family) in order to accomodate most relatives from my side of the family.

So, for the past few weekends, I've ran around places with my parents, grandparents for venue searching! From Regent, Grand Hyatt, World Trade Conference 33..... most auspicious dates were already booked! We were lucky to have found Sherwood Hotel, their ballroom can only fit 144 guests and our estimated guest list will just fit perfectly~

Engagement Date: Nov 15th, 2009
***For friends living abroad: If you are travelling around Asia during Nov, let me know~

Grace Hill- Meal Tasting

Prior to visiting Grace Hill at 6.30pm for meal- tasting event with cliff & his parents. I skipped the formal dinner held after the IAF conference for a visit to Grand Hyatt and later on to Grace Hill.

Upon arriving at Grace Hill, we were seated, had name cards and the menu printed on gold paper~ More than 6 courses were served, and we were given a tour of various facilities once again. Grace Hill in the night time had a more romantic feel, while candles flicker along the steps..etc.. Whoo, I was glad that the meals turned out delish~ and cliff's parents seem more inclined to choosing Grace hill over Hyatt.