When Peiya met Cliff

We have two versions of the story of how we met.

Here's my part: It was the end of winter break '99, on American Airlines from LA to Detroit. Found my seat right in the middle of 2 guys, an asian boy in MICHIGAN t-shirt reading a chinese book sitting by the window. "He looked familiar, probably Taiwanese", I thought at the back of my mind. I took my seat, and felt really sick right after I took the seat. A kind air stewardess offered me a seat at business class, grabbed my bag and left! Upon arrival at the Detroit airport, Cliff came up to me at the luggage claim, offering some assistance. I had two HUGE luggages, and Cliff wondered what was in it, since I flew in from LA instead of Taiwan. It was frozen handmade dumplings from LA and of course, I offered some. He was kind to offer me a ride back to Martha Cook, but, another mentor was picking me up.. From then on, we became friends in college, as we both took Japanese language, by coincidence.
A birthday wish via email reignited our conversation again after busy college days. We met again in Japan 2005~ during my stopover from to NY to Taiwan. Our cyberspace communication lasted while I worked in New York and while Cliff studied graduate school in Japan.


  1. Best wishes and congratulations to "the prettiest girl in the world" and to one of my best friends from Martha Cook! Hope to see you again somewhere in the world, whether in Taiwan, NYC, PA, Michigan, the Philippines, or elsewhere! :)

  2. Same with Charisse. Congratulations on the wedding! I'm so happy for you!! And it's so nice to hear the stories from both of you :) I'll be go back and forth between Japan and the US, but would like to see you sometime, soon! Keep us post on how you're doing~
