Oh I totally forgot to mention about our photo shoot at JCP~ 4/28.
That photo shoot day just wasn't my best day....
But it inspired mama to take more pictures of me while we stayed home... mama must have been bored.. It'll take us 2 months before we get the professional photos..
Finally asleep~~~Took mama lots of time to nurse... cuddle....
On Pre-mother's day weekend, mama & papa went to the floral market without me! Well...mama did some floral arrangement as mother's day gifts to both grandmas
We took grandpa & grandma out to celebrate
& all I cared about was chewing my fist
Oh yes, Miya @ Macaroni & Grill for another mother's day celebration
It's Mama, grandma & pa's favorite when they lived in LA, ahh it just brings back so much memories
Mama doesn't think mother's day is such a big deal until she became one. Well, it's still not a huge celebration but it means something more when friends, family & even the sales lady from a clothing boutique mama frequents called & wished mama her 1st happy mother's day.